Eternal Blizzard!!
Welcome to the fanlisting for the character Fubuki Shirou from the anime Inazuma Eleven listed at The Anime Fanlistings Network. If you're a fan of Fubuki, please consider joining and adding yourself to the list.
I hope one day to expand this site, but until then the above navigation is all you get: codes has the image buttons you can use to link back, join as well as view the list of fans, use update to change your member info, visit site for information on this site and credits, and return takes you back to this page.
Iridescence was opened on 15 Feb 2011 and last updated on 06 Jan 2025 with a total of 21 (+0 pending) members, from 10 countries. The newest member(s) is Aphrodi. Powered by Enthusiast.
What is a Fanlisting?
A fanlisting is a small site that collects a list of fans for a particular subject. Anime and manga related subjects are listed and regulated under The Anime Fanlistings Network and everything else falls under the control of The Fanlistings Network.